Chronic Pain Mushroom Retreats

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Applications and Contraindications of Posturedelic Therapy

Posturedelic Therapy is a unique blend of posture therapy and psychedelics designed to address chronic pain and enhance overall well-being. This innovative approach leverages the neuroplastic and neurogenic effects of psychedelics combined with the structural alignment benefits of posture therapy. However, understanding when this therapy is appropriate and when it might not be is crucial for safe and effective treatment.

Applications of Posturedelic Therapy

Chronic Pain Management

Posturedelic Therapy is particularly effective for individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions that have not responded well to traditional treatments. The combination of psychedelics and posture therapy can help reset the body’s alignment, reduce pain, and improve function. Conditions that may benefit include:

  • General pain in load-bearing joints: ankles, knees, hips, spine, and shoulders

  • Sciatica and other nerve impingements

  • Tendonitis and bursitis

  • Carpal and Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Shin splints

  • Pain associated with bunions, bone spurs, or calluses

  • Bulging and herniated discs, stenosis, and spondylosis

Chronic Conditions Suitable for Posturedelic Therapy

Without listing every possible condition, Jon believes Posturedelic Therapy will be shown to increase response rate in terms of pain reduction as compared to posture therapy alone for all the above conditions and more such as:

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Auto-immune disorders such as Lupus or Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Depression, especially Treatment-Resistant Depression

  • Post Traumatic Stress

  • Functional Neurological Disorders

Complex Cases

Individuals with complex medical histories, including severe physical injuries, joint replacement surgeries, or multiple surgeries affecting soft tissue, may also benefit from Posturedelic Therapy. These comorbidities can slow down progress but do not preclude the effectiveness of the therapy.

Ego and Identity in Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can become intertwined with one’s identity, affecting self-perception and mental health. Posturedelic Therapy can help break this connection, offering a path to redefine oneself without the constant presence of pain.

Post-Surgical and Rehabilitation Cases

For those recovering from spinal cord injuries, strokes, or traumatic brain injuries, Posturedelic Therapy might be beneficial once they have completed any prescribed physical rehabilitation. The combination of neurogenic and neuroplastic effects induced by psychedelics, paired with posture therapy, could yield unparalleled benefits.

Contraindications of Posturedelic Therapy

While Posturedelic Therapy offers significant potential benefits, it is not suitable for everyone. Several contraindications need to be considered:

Severe Mental Health Conditions

Individuals with a history of psychosis, schizophrenia, or schizoaffective disorders are at risk of triggering manic episodes and may not be suitable candidates for psychedelic therapy.

Heart Conditions

Certain heart conditions may pose risks when combined with psychedelics. Elevated serotonin levels can affect heart rate and blood pressure, potentially increasing the risk of pulmonary arterial hypertension and thrombotic events.


Psychedelics are not recommended for pregnant women or those attempting to become pregnant due to unknown effects on fetal development.

Active Suicidal Ideation

Those experiencing active suicidal ideation are often excluded from studies involving psychedelics due to safety concerns.

Pharmaceutical Interactions

Certain medications, particularly those affecting serotonin levels, can interact negatively with psychedelics. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) alone present a low risk of causing serotonin sickness when combined with standard doses of psychedelics. However, combining SSRIs with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) significantly increases this risk.

Managing Relative Contraindications

Relative contraindications are risks that can be monitored, managed, or mitigated to some acceptable degree. Preparing for a Posturedelic experience often involves addressing these risks well in advance of the session.

Medical Staff Guidance

Our medical staff is available to help guide you through the process of identifying and managing potential contraindications. They will work with you to document any relative contraindications and devise a strategy to monitor, manage, or mitigate these risks leading up to your experience.


Posturedelic Therapy offers a revolutionary approach to treating chronic pain and enhancing well-being. By combining the structural alignment benefits of posture therapy with the neuroplastic effects of psychedelics, this therapy can address complex pain conditions and help individuals redefine their relationship with pain. However, it is essential to understand the appropriate applications and potential contraindications to ensure safe and effective treatment.