Chronic Pain Mushroom Retreats

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Exploring Xhanga and Its Role in Posturedelic Ceremonies for Hip Flexor Function

In Posturedelic Therapy, we emphasize the importance of proper hip flexor function due to their unique role in linking the upper and lower body. The hip flexors, particularly the psoas muscles, have an incredible amount of leverage, making them critical to overall body alignment and movement.

The Role of Hip Flexors

The hip flexors are the only muscles that bypass the pelvis to directly connect the upper and lower body. This unique positioning allows them to exert significant influence over posture and movement. When the hip flexors function properly, they enable smooth, coordinated actions, whether you're walking, running, or simply standing.

However, when these muscles become dysfunctional, the impact can be widespread. Because they connect the upper and lower body directly, any issues in the hip flexors can cause pain and misalignment throughout the body. Proper hip flexor function is crucial for maintaining overall body balance and preventing compensatory patterns that can lead to chronic pain.

The Psoas Muscle: Involuntary Control and Susceptibility

The psoas muscles, a major component of the hip flexors, are largely controlled involuntarily. This involuntary control makes them particularly susceptible to postural problems, both from emotional disturbances and a sedentary lifestyle.

Emotional stress can cause the psoas muscles to tighten reflexively. This tension can become chronic, leading to poor posture and associated pain. Similarly, a sedentary lifestyle can cause these muscles to become weak and inflexible, contributing to a host of postural issues.

The Birth of Posturedelic Therapy with Xhanga

Jon Clark, the creator of Posturedelic Therapy, was likely the first person to experiment with smoking changa while putting his hip flexors under traction. His pioneering approach provided a groundbreaking insight into the potential for integrating psychedelics with posture therapy. Jon recounts his experience:

"The DMT men I met could instantly tell I was trying to fix my hip. They jokingly made a big deal about it, kind of like how a kid might exaggerate how hard something like passing the salt is to be funny, and made quick work of performing what I can only describe as an interdimensional surgery on my right hip. I felt and heard it click as the head of the femur reset itself. I started experiencing improvement in that hip from that point forward."

This profound experience laid the foundation for the therapeutic practices we use today in Posturedelic Therapy.

The Role of Static Poses in Xhanga Ceremonies

Given the intensity of xhanga, only static poses are appropriate during these ceremonies. The hip flexion provided by the multi-positioning posture tower is particularly effective. Static poses ensure that the therapeutic effects of xhanga can be fully realized without the risk of injury that might come from dynamic movements.

Substance Restrictions

For the safety and efficacy of Posturedelic Xhanga Ceremonies, it is crucial to avoid certain substances before and during the retreat:

  • Stimulants: Coffee, green tea, caffeine, or other stimulants.

  • Depressants: CBD, THC, alcohol, or other depressants.

  • Prescription Medications: Antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, tranquilizers, benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax), lithium, opioids, ADHD medication, prescription pain killers, and prescription sleeping medication (Melatonin is OK).


Restoring proper hip flexor function is essential for maintaining overall body alignment and reducing chronic pain. Through the integration of posture therapy and xhanga, Posturedelic Therapy offers a unique and powerful approach to healing. By focusing on static poses and adhering to substance restrictions, participants can experience significant improvements in their hip flexor function and overall well-being.