Exploring the Differences Between Xhanga and Regular DMT

Psychedelics have been at the forefront of recent discussions about mental health, spiritual awakening, and even pain management. Two substances that often come up in these discussions are DMT and Xhanga. While both are powerful and transformative, they offer different experiences and therapeutic potentials. This blog post explores the key differences between smoking regular DMT and using Xhanga, particularly in the context of therapeutic settings like our Chronic Pain Mushroom Retreats.

Understanding DMT

DMT, or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, is a powerful psychedelic compound found in various plants and animals. Often referred to as "the spirit molecule," DMT is known for inducing intense, short-lived psychedelic experiences that can last anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes when smoked. Users report profound visual and auditory hallucinations, often described as mystical or otherworldly.

DMT is naturally present in the human body, and its role in our biochemistry is still being studied. When smoked, it rapidly enters the bloodstream, reaching the brain quickly and leading to a peak experience within a minute or two. However, this intense experience is fleeting, usually subsiding within 15 minutes.

The Challenge of Short Duration

One of the main challenges with smoking DMT is its extremely short duration. While the quick onset can be advantageous for some uses, the brevity of the experience can be a limitation, especially in therapeutic contexts. The rapid, intense peak can make it difficult to integrate the insights gained during the trip.

Enter Xhanga

Xhanga, on the other hand, combines DMT with an MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) to extend the duration of the DMT experience. This combination results in a trip that can last anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes, allowing for a more prolonged and potentially deeper exploration of consciousness. The MAOI, often derived from plants like Syrian Rue, inhibits the enzyme that breaks down DMT in the body, thereby prolonging its effects.

The Therapeutic Potential of Xhanga

In a therapeutic setting like the Chronic Pain Mushroom Retreats, the extended duration of Xhanga can offer several advantages over regular DMT:

  1. Deeper Exploration: The extended time frame allows participants to delve deeper into their subconscious, facilitating more profound insights and emotional releases.

  2. Better Integration: With more time to navigate the psychedelic space, participants can better integrate the experience, making it easier to apply the insights gained to their healing journey.

  3. Enhanced Safety: The gradual onset and prolonged effects can be gentler and less jarring than the rapid, intense peak of smoked DMT, which may be beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic pain and associated traumas.

Xhanga and Body Schema Models

One unique aspect of Xhanga, especially in the context of Posturedelic Therapy, is its potential impact on body schema models. These models, which reside in the brain, dictate how we perceive and move our bodies. Chronic pain can distort these models, leading to dysfunctional movement patterns and further pain. By using Xhanga, participants may find it easier to access and alter these models, potentially leading to significant breakthroughs in pain management and physical rehabilitation.

We prefer a particular focus on hip flexor restoration when working with Xhanga at Chronic Pain Mushroom Retreats.

Managing the Risks

While Xhanga offers many potential benefits, it also comes with risks, primarily due to the inclusion of the MAOI. Combining MAOIs with certain substances can lead to dangerous interactions, including serotonin syndrome. Therefore, it's crucial for participants to adhere to substance restrictions before and during the retreat to ensure safety.

Substance Restrictions for Xhanga Use:

  • Stimulants: Coffee, green tea, caffeine, or other stimulants.

  • Depressants: CBD, THC, alcohol, or other depressants.

  • Prescription Medications:

    • Antidepressants

    • Anti-anxiety medications

    • Tranquilizers

    • Benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax)

    • Lithium

    • Opioids

    • ADHD medication

    • Prescription painkillers

    • Prescription sleeping medication (Melatonin is OK)


Both DMT and Xhanga offer powerful tools for exploring consciousness and facilitating healing. While DMT provides a quick, intense experience, Xhanga's extended duration makes it a valuable option for therapeutic settings, allowing for deeper exploration and better integration of insights. At Chronic Pain Mushroom Retreats, we incorporate Xhanga to help participants unlock new levels of healing, especially for those dealing with chronic pain and the accompanying mental and emotional challenges.

By understanding the differences and potentials of these substances, participants can make informed decisions about their healing journeys and maximize the benefits of their experiences.

Jon Clark

Jon is the author of the groundbreaking book “Psychedelics, Chronic Pain, & the Posturedelic Hypothesis,” where he approaches pain management from a perspective starting with the basic reality simulation frameworks we call consciousness. He is also the world’s first Psychedelic Posture Therapist, the host of the Chronic Pain Rewired podcast, and a habitual line-stepper.


Comparing and Contrasting Xhanga with 5-MeO-DMT


Mushroom Dosage at Chronic Pain Mushroom Retreats