Exploring the Types of Pain Treated by Posturedelic Therapy

Posturedelic Therapy, a novel approach that combines posture therapy with psychedelics, offers a unique and effective way to manage various types of pain. This therapy is especially potent for treating nociceptive, nociplastic, and psychogenic pain. In this blog post, we will begin to untangle how Posturedelic Therapy targets each of these pain types and the advantages of integrating this approach within the comprehensive Spiritual-Bio-Psycho-Social (SBPS) model of pain management used at Chronic Pain Mushroom Retreats.

In future posts, we will look at each of these broad topics in great detail. Many, if not most, forms of chronic pain may start out as an acute condition only involving one of these three types of pain. As a condition progresses to become chronic, it is common for all three types of pain to become involoved in some way or another.

Nociceptive Pain

This type of pain arises from tissue damage or inflammation and is typically acute, at least at first. It includes injuries, surgeries, and conditions like arthritis. Pains arising from poor posture also generally fall into this category, but it can get more complicated than that, as future posts will explore.

Impact of Chronic Pain: Chronic nociceptive pain can lead to a persistent state of discomfort and inflammation, affecting one's ability to perform daily activities and diminishing overall quality of life. Nociceptive pain often becomes chronic because the resources and knowledge needed to heal the initial acute injury are either unknown or unavailable.

Posturedelic Therapy Approach:

  • Posture Therapy: Corrective exercises and alignment techniques alleviate mechanical stress on tissues, reducing inflammation and pain.

  • Psychedelics: Psychedelics enhance neuroplasticity, helping the brain to rewire pain pathways and modulate pain perception.

  • Combined Effect: The combination of posture therapy and psychedelics provides a synergistic effect, promoting faster and more effective healing by addressing both the physical and neural aspects of pain by changing body schema models in the brain which are enabling chronic nociceptive pain.

Nociplastic Pain

This type of pain is characterized by altered pain processing in the nervous system without clear evidence of tissue damage or inflammation. Conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome fall into this category.

This is related to neuroplasticity, which is the ability of the brain to rewire itself. Nociplastic pain is pain that has been “hot-wired into your conscious experience of reality,” as Jon likes to put it.

Impact of Chronic Pain: Nociplastic pain often leads to widespread pain and sensitivity, making it challenging to pinpoint and treat the underlying causes.

Posturedelic Therapy Approach:

  • Posture Therapy: Helps in realigning the body and reducing mechanical stress, which can alleviate some of the pain symptoms.

  • Psychedelics: Aid in resetting neural circuits and reducing the hypersensitivity of the nervous system.

  • Combined Effect: Together, they target both the physical alignment and the neural processing issues, offering a holistic approach to managing nociplastic pain.

Psychogenic Pain

This type of pain is primarily caused by psychological factors such as stress, anxiety, and depression rather than direct physical causes.

Impact of Chronic Pain: Psychogenic pain can be as debilitating as physical pain, often exacerbating conditions like chronic headaches, muscle pain, and back pain.

Posturedelic Therapy Approach:

  • Posture Therapy: Provides a physical routine that can help reduce stress and improve overall body function through exercise. Healing masculine spiritual wounds through exercise is a great way to feel more capable, and less emotionally impacted by external stressors.

  • Psychedelics: Help in processing emotional trauma and reducing psychological stress, which are often underlying causes of psychogenic pain.

  • Combined Effect: This integrated approach helps in addressing both the physical manifestations and the psychological roots of pain, leading to comprehensive pain relief.

DIY Posturedelic Therapy vs. Comprehensive SBPS Model at Retreats

One of the great things about Posturedelic Therapy is that it is possible to do at home with the help of a trip-sitter. There are many differences about Posturedelic Therapy performed in these two environments.

DIY Posturedelic Therapy


  • Accessibility: Can be practiced at home with minimal equipment.

  • Cost-Effective: Lower financial investment compared to attending a retreat.


  • Limited Guidance: Lack of professional supervision can lead to incorrect posture practices and suboptimal psychedelic experiences

  • Isolation: Missing the community support and integrative 1-on-1 sessions offered in a retreat setting.

  • Higher Risk: Jon doesn’t strictly endorse DIY Posturedelic Therapy as there are potential medical, mental health, and legal risks. At the same time, he understands from his own experience that people in pain don’t always have the resources needed to do things the “ideal” way.

  • However: Our FREE Posturedelic Integration Communities offer loads of great resources to help you maximize the safety and efficacy of your DIY Posturedelic Therapy. Don’t forget to pick up a copy of Jon’s book from Amazon as well.

Posturedelic Therapy at Chronic Pain Mushroom Retreats


  • Medical, Mental Health, & Shamanic Support: Maximum safety is our top priority.

  • Professional Support: Access to experienced posture therapists, psychedelic guides, and medical professionals for maximum efficacy, after safety.

  • Holistic Approach: Integration within the SBPS model addresses all aspects of pain management – spiritual, biological, psychological, and social.

  • Community and Connection: Group integration circles and social activities foster a sense of belonging and mutual support.


  • Cost: Higher financial investment compared to DIY methods.

  • Accessibility: Requires travel.

Spiritual Benefits of Reducing Suffering

In addition to the pain-reduction benefits, Posturedelic Therapy offers significant spiritual benefits by reducing suffering. Chronic pain often leads to a cycle of suffering that perpetuates itself. This suffering can be a major barrier to pain reduction, particularly in nociplastic and psychogenic pain.

Breaking the Cycle of Suffering

Spiritual Insights: Psychedelics can provide profound spiritual insights that help individuals separate their identity from their pain, reducing the emotional and psychological impact of suffering.

Enhanced Coping Mechanisms: By addressing the root causes of suffering, individuals can develop better coping mechanisms and resilience, leading to an overall improvement in well-being.

Community and Support: The retreat setting fosters a sense of community and connection, which is crucial for emotional and spiritual healing. Sharing experiences and support with others on a similar journey can significantly alleviate the sense of isolation and suffering.


Posturedelic Therapy, especially when integrated within the SBPS model at Chronic Pain Mushroom Retreats, offers a comprehensive approach to managing nociceptive, nociplastic, and psychogenic pain. By combining posture therapy with the transformative power of psychedelics, this therapy not only reduces pain but also addresses the deeper spiritual and emotional aspects of suffering. Whether practiced as a DIY method or within the supportive environment of a retreat, Posturedelic Therapy provides a promising path toward holistic healing and well-being. Stay tuned for more insights and detailed explorations in our upcoming blog posts.

Jon Clark

Jon is the author of the groundbreaking book “Psychedelics, Chronic Pain, & the Posturedelic Hypothesis,” where he approaches pain management from a perspective starting with the basic reality simulation frameworks we call consciousness. He is also the world’s first Psychedelic Posture Therapist, the host of the Chronic Pain Rewired podcast, and a habitual line-stepper.


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