Why Psychedelic Guides Need Pain Management Skills & Where to Learn for Free

If the seeker you’re holding a psychedelic ceremony for has both mental health and chronic pain problems, your job of helping them ease their mental health problems will be much easier if you can target their chronic pain at the exact same time.

The good news is that you can learn more about how to incorporate tools that enable such powerful synergistic techniques and it doesn’t have to cost you a penny.

As the world of psychedelic therapy continues to expand, it’s crucial for guides to diversify their skill sets to better serve their clients. One area where many guides can improve is in the management of chronic pain. Incorporating techniques such as Posturedelic Therapy can greatly enhance the therapeutic experience and outcomes for those suffering from both mental health and chronic pain problems. Here are some compelling reasons and practical steps for guides to integrate these techniques into their facilitation toolbox.

Reasons for Proficiency in Chronic Pain Management

  1. Overlap Between Chronic Pain and Mental Health Conditions Chronic pain often coexists with mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more. The National Institute of Mental Health has identified significant overlap between chronic pain and these mental health issues, which can exacerbate each other. Effective management of chronic pain can therefore also alleviate associated mental health conditions, leading to more comprehensive healing.

  2. Inadequacies of the Medical System The traditional medical system often fails to adequately treat chronic pain, leaving many individuals without relief. This failure has contributed to the opioid crisis, as patients seek out alternative pain relief methods. Psychedelic therapies have shown promise not only in alleviating pain but also in addressing opioid addiction, offering a dual benefit that traditional pain management lacks.

  3. Cost-Effectiveness Most seekers cannot afford to attend multiple specialized psychedelic guides. By integrating chronic pain management techniques like Posturedelic Therapy, guides can provide more comprehensive care in a single ceremony, increasing the efficiency and accessibility of treatment for these individuals who need it.

  4. Enhanced Therapeutic Outcomes Combining psychedelic therapy with chronic pain management techniques can lead to better therapeutic outcomes. Clients experiencing relief from both psychological and physical pain are likely to report higher satisfaction and longer-lasting benefits from their sessions.

  5. Accessibility of Training Unlike many specialized techniques that require expensive training, Jon offers resources freely to those who wish to learn. Only formal training, once available, or the right to use Posturedelic Therapy media and language in your marketing materials, will come with a fee. This makes it easy for guides to incorporate these techniques with negligible financial investment. More on this in the next section.

Practical Steps for Incorporating Chronic Pain Management Techniques

  1. Join Our Posturedelic Integration Communities Starting Friday, June 14th, our Posturedelic Integration Communities will be live. These communities will provide ongoing support, resources, and a platform for sharing experiences and techniques. You can already sign up today.

  2. Purchase Jon’s Book Jon’s book, “Posturedelic Therapy: A New Approach to Healing Chronic Pain,” is an essential resource for any guide. It contains comprehensive information on the DIY protocol, sample posture therapy routines, and a sample Posturedelic ceremony.

  3. Try the Techniques Themselves The book provides a detailed DIY protocol that guides can practice on themselves. By personally experiencing the benefits, they will be better equipped to facilitate these techniques for others.

  4. Join the Waitlist for Formal Training For those interested in more formal training, guides can fill out our contact form to join the waitlist. This will ensure they receive information as soon as training opportunities become available.

  5. Attend a Retreat For the full SBPS (Spiritual-Bio-Psycho-Social pain management) experience, guides who don’t want to wait for formal training can attend one of our retreats. This immersive experience will provide a deeper understanding of how to integrate Posturedelic Therapy into their practice.

By incorporating these techniques, psychedelic guides can greatly enhance their practice, providing more holistic and effective care for their clients. Chronic pain management is an essential skill that can make a significant difference in the lives of those seeking relief through psychedelic therapy.

Jon Clark

Jon is the author of the groundbreaking book “Psychedelics, Chronic Pain, & the Posturedelic Hypothesis,” where he approaches pain management from a perspective starting with the basic reality simulation frameworks we call consciousness. He is also the world’s first Psychedelic Posture Therapist, the host of the Chronic Pain Rewired podcast, and a habitual line-stepper.


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