Exploring the Differences Between Microdosing and Macrodosing

In the world of psychedelics, dosing can significantly impact the experience and outcomes of the journey. Two common dosing strategies are microdosing and macrodosing, each offering unique benefits and challenges. While microdosing is not usually part of the Posturedelic Protocol, it is included in our retreats to expose participants to its potential benefits. This article will delve into the differences between microdosing and macrodosing, helping you understand what to expect and how each approach can be utilized.

What is Microdosing?

Microdosing involves taking very small amounts of a psychedelic substance, typically about 1/10th to 1/20th of a standard recreational dose. The goal of microdosing is to experience subtle yet positive changes in mood, cognition, and physical well-being without the overtly psychedelic effects that come with larger doses.

Benefits of Microdosing

  1. Enhanced Mood and Focus: Many people report improved mood, increased focus, and heightened creativity.

  2. Minimal Disruption: Because the doses are small, there is little to no impairment of daily functioning.

  3. Cumulative Effects: Over time, microdosing can lead to cumulative benefits, potentially helping with issues like depression and anxiety.

  4. Introduction to Psychedelics: Microdosing serves as a gentle introduction to psychedelics for those who are new to these substances.

What is Macrodosing?

Macrodosing, on the other hand, involves taking a full, standard recreational dose of a psychedelic substance. This approach is designed to induce a profound, immersive experience that can lead to significant insights and transformative experiences.

Benefits of Macrodosing

  1. Deep Therapeutic Insights: The larger doses can bring about deep psychological and emotional insights, often described as life-changing.

  2. Enhanced Neuroplasticity: Macrodosing can promote significant neuroplastic changes, which can aid in breaking old patterns and establishing new, healthier ones.

  3. Spiritual Experiences: Many individuals report having profound spiritual or mystical experiences during macrodosing sessions.

  4. Posturedelic Applications: In the context of Posturedelic Therapy, macrodosing is used to make body schema models in the brain more pliable, allowing for more effective posture correction and pain relief.

Key Differences

  1. Intensity: Microdosing provides subtle effects, while macrodosing offers a full-blown psychedelic experience.

  2. Functionality: Microdosing allows individuals to go about their daily activities, whereas macrodosing typically requires a dedicated time and space for the experience.

  3. Purpose: Microdosing is often used for ongoing mental health maintenance, while macrodosing is aimed at achieving deep therapeutic or spiritual breakthroughs.

  4. Frequency: Microdosing can be done regularly (e.g., a few times a week), whereas macrodosing is usually less frequent due to the intensity and the need for integration afterward.

Microdosing at Our Retreats

Although microdosing is not a standard part of the Posturedelic Protocol, we include it in our retreats to allow participants to experience its potential benefits. This exposure helps those new to psychedelics ease into the practice and understand how different dosing strategies can be used for various purposes.


Understanding the differences between microdosing and macrodosing is crucial for anyone interested in exploring the therapeutic potential of psychedelics. Each approach offers unique benefits and can be tailored to meet specific needs and goals. Whether you're seeking subtle improvements in daily life or profound transformative experiences, there is a dosing strategy that can help you achieve your objectives.

Jon Clark

Jon is the author of the groundbreaking book “Psychedelics, Chronic Pain, & the Posturedelic Hypothesis,” where he approaches pain management from a perspective starting with the basic reality simulation frameworks we call consciousness. He is also the world’s first Psychedelic Posture Therapist, the host of the Chronic Pain Rewired podcast, and a habitual line-stepper.


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