Posturedelic Therapy’s Origin Story

My journey to create Posturedelic Therapy was born out of my personal struggles with chronic pain and suicidal depression. Through posture therapy and the transformative power of psilocybin, I discovered that I was indeed the medicine I needed. This is the story of how Posturedelic Therapy came to be.

The Beginning: A Life Altered by Pain

In December 2002, at the age of seventeen, I broke my L5 vertebra in half in a skiing accident. This event marked the start of a sixteen-year downward spiral of decreasing mobility and increasing chronic pain. By 2019, I was confined to a wheelchair, suffering from muscle spasms, soft tissue pain, nerve pain, and more. Despite numerous medical interventions, nothing seemed to help. I had lost my job, my savings, and my hope.

My dependence on alcohol and marijuana to cope with the emotional suffering only made matters worse. By January 2019, I weighed over 425 pounds and was in constant, excruciating pain. I was on the brink of despair when my father gave me a book about posture therapy.

The Turning Point: Discovering Posture Therapy

The book introduced me to exercises that I could perform without hurting myself. I began practicing these exercises daily, and within two months, I was able to stand up from my wheelchair for a few seconds. My father hired a therapist, and I enrolled in an online program to become a posture therapist myself. Nine months later, I no longer needed a wheelchair, but the pain persisted.

Despite making steady progress, my improvement plateaued after two years. The pain remained unbearable, and my mental health declined once again. It was during this low point that I had an unexpected encounter with psilocybin mushrooms.

The Breakthrough: Psilocybin and Posture Therapy

During a profound psychedelic experience, I combined several hours of posture therapy with a few grams of psilocybin mushrooms. This session provided the breakthrough I needed. Over the next six months, I made extraordinary progress, culminating in my participation in a disc golf tournament—a nine-mile hike through the mountains. Finishing last was a triumph, not a failure.

Shortly before the tournament, I completed my posture therapy certification and began my new career. I have since helped countless people reduce or eliminate their chronic pain using standard posture therapy. However, in some cases, like mine, the duration of treatment allowed pain to continue wreaking havoc on people's lives.

The Realization: The Need for Faster Healing

Living in constant pain has severe consequences, including depression, PTSD, substance abuse, financial hardships, and even suicide. These experiences fueled my pursuit of psychedelics as a potential solution for others. My personal journey led me to believe that integrating psychedelics with posture therapy could expedite the healing process.

The Birth of Posturedelic Therapy

To understand and refine this approach, I needed to develop a systematic protocol. I sought mentorship from Eric Osborne of Psanctuary, who had administered over 3,500 doses of psilocybin. With his guidance, I developed a protocol to safely combine posture therapy with psilocybin sessions, aiming for optimal therapeutic outcomes.

Testing and refining this technique on myself and others, I witnessed its potential. By the summer of 2023, I shifted my focus to a career centered on psychedelics, attending the 2023 Psychedelic Science conference. It became clear that while psychedelics were gaining attention in mental health, their application to chronic pain was largely unexplored.

The Future: Spreading the Word

To spread awareness, I started a podcast and began writing this book. Posturedelic Therapy represents a fusion of posture therapy and psychedelics, designed to help people achieve breakthrough results in managing chronic pain. This approach offers hope to those who have exhausted traditional medical options and are seeking new ways to heal.

Conclusion: A New Path to Healing

Posturedelic Therapy emerged from my journey of pain, despair, and eventual triumph. It is a testament to the power of combining posture therapy with psychedelics to unlock new possibilities for healing. While the path may not be easy, the potential for transformative change is immense. I invite you to join me on this journey of discovery and healing, where you too can become the medicine you need.

Jon Clark

Jon is the author of the groundbreaking book “Psychedelics, Chronic Pain, & the Posturedelic Hypothesis,” where he approaches pain management from a perspective starting with the basic reality simulation frameworks we call consciousness. He is also the world’s first Psychedelic Posture Therapist, the host of the Chronic Pain Rewired podcast, and a habitual line-stepper.

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Introduction to Posture Therapy: Understanding the Basics